dave you need to get tough on Immigration as that is the big elephant in the closet.Do Daily Mail readers love a twisted idiom?
They fucking love 'em.
dave you need to get tough on Immigration as that is the big elephant in the closet.Do Daily Mail readers love a twisted idiom?
Poor old pussy indeed.Poor pussycat, cats are usually sensitive to dangerous smells humans cant detect probably the reason it was found in the hall trying to get out.
- Sue, somewhere in the uk, 20/2/2010 17:33
The only claim Argentina has on the Falkland's is that they are near them. If that was the case all islands in the world should belong to the country they are near utter tosh.- Tony, Dartford, 18/2/2010 10:52
"Ooh, my name's Jose Manuel Evita. I think I have territorial claims based on geography, not sheep." Nutter.
Occasionally, a martyr comes along:
Britain is a small country thus the people of it have small man syndrome..always looking for a war. Now red arrow me but you cant get away from the truth.
- rodney, swiss cottage, 18/2/2010 15:16
I don't really care what he enjoys doing in his spare time, that's his own business and nothing to do with me.
Quite right, Graham, politics has become trivialised.
My only concern is what he's going to do about the appalling mess that this country is in as it doesn't seem to be much, if anything at all.Exactly, Graham.
Oh well, I'll just vote BNP then !!!Why not? In for a penny, in for a pound. Nice one Cameron, by drinking Guinness you've just made another BNP supporter. Prat. But Daily Mail readers won't support shilling for a racist party on their website, will they?
About time too i was sick to " deaf " of having to grab the remote everytime the adverts came on it realy did spoil what you were watchingGeddit? Lolz.
What a load of lying scumbags there are at the ITVI got annoyed when they ran those rip-off phone lines, but this just takes the biscuit.
- Mike, Alicante, Spain, 17/2/2010 8:55
YEAH! Up yours, science. But, c'mon, surely people realise you can't judge climate change on whether or not it snows at a conference?Has anyone ever heard of 'common sense'?
Why is it that almost all 'global warming' conferences were snowed out.
Irony only takes us so far, how about blatent evidence?- Jacki, Kissimmee, FL USA, 14/2/2010 3:39
Darwinism in reverse. Forced sterilisation for both of them.
- Peter, Bournemouth, 15/2/2010 15:32
- Gaz, n/e, 17/2/2010 9:49